PACT Summer School 2018

Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

09 – 13 July 2018 in Vienna


This year’s PACT Summer School has brought together great scientists and talented students from various countries across Europe and the US. All participants took the unique opportunity to get a holistic view on the translation of the latest findings in stem cell research into the clinical practice in regenerative medicine.


Profound knowledge was passed on in lectures on stem cells and their application in regenerative orthopedics, hematopoietic stem cell therapies, EVs as novel tools in cellular therapies, different cell culture techniques and in-vitro models in biomedicine.


During the hands-on courses students learned how to set up, inoculate and run a single-use bioreactor for bioprocess engineering of mammalian cells, how to handle and evaluate cell products and to determine their hemocompatibility. They prepared and analyzed extracellular vesicles and worked on the different steps to set up an in vitro bioassay for testing the angiogenic properties of novel substances with human telomerized cells.


There was not only studying throughout the week, but also enough time for extensive discussions and talks in between the sessions and also at the welcome cocktail, a wonderful evening at a Viennese Heurigen and the farewell party on Friday.


All students highly appreciated this year’s summer school. Here are some of their remarks:


“it was a great training-huge variety”

“it was well organized by combining the practice and theory in a very comprehensive manner”

“Very informative and well-structured course material”

“groups were small and everyone could try”

“I really appreciate all the great effort from the members and the management which resulted in an amazing week”

“I really enjoyed this week and I will come again-Thank you for this great week”


Have a look at the pictures to get an impression on how this week became a lively experience for everyone.