EACTS – PACT Joint Symposium

„Regenerative Medicine: Taking the Science to the Patient“

30th November and 1st December 2017

Vienna, Austria


The Steering Group for the Platform for Advanced Cellular Therapies PACT and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery EACTS cordially invites you to a Joint-Symposium entitled „Regenerative Medicine: Taking the Science to the Patient“. To reflect on the efforts of the researchers in the field of regenerative medicine and cell based therapies the PACT-Steering Group decided for a Joint Symposium together with EACTS focusing on advances in research and on regulatory issues in respect of Biologicals and ATMPs. Leading authorities in the following areas will deliver keynote lectures, presentations and posters on the subject:


– Infarct Healing as a Therapeutic Target
– Secretome and Regeneration: New Kid on the Block
– ATMPs versus Biologicals
– Regulatory Affairs, GMP-Production and Clinical Trials
– Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Ischemic Heart Disease

– Human Trials with ATMP-Secretome – from Trachea, Skin and Valve Tissue

– Cellular Plasticity and Tissue Regener
– Inflammation & Immunology
– Micro RNAs as Important Regulators
– Cell and Gene Therapy
– Mechano-Biological Aspects of Cell Behavior



Scientific Programme:


Abstract Submission:

We offer all researchers the opportunity to submit an abstract for the EACTS-PACT Joint Symposium in Vienna. All abstracts will undergo a review process and the best 4 will merit a Young Investigator Nominee Presentation in the official programme.


Please follow all instructions at, as abstracts will not be accepted unless they are submitted according to the format and instructions described there, and submit your abstract by 1st November 2017 to


Poster format: must be A0 portrait


Abstract Book: available here




Registration Fee:

Company Representative     250 €
University Representative    150 €
Students                                  30 € (Student’s ID mandatory)


Fee includes lunch and refreshments on 30 November and 1st December.



Companies interested in collaborating, please contact here. You can present your company during the symposium by exhibiting your products or services.



Marriott – Courtyard Vienna Prater/Messe, Trabrennstraße 4, 1020 Vienna, Austria


WLAN access at the venue



CAT- City Airport Train , Public transport in Vienna


Public Transport
Vienna International Airport – Venue
– Train: Bahnhof Flughafen Wien – Wien Praterstern Bahnhof – then a 20 minute walk to venue

– 1 hour journey

Vienna Central Station – Venue
– Subway U1 + U2 – then a 5 minute walk to venue

– 35 minute journey


Vienna International Airport – Venue
– We encourage you to book a taxi prior to arrival

– 20 minute drive

Vienna Central Station – Venue
– We encourage you to book a taxi prior to arrival
– 15 minute drive

Click here for map



Registration does not include accommodation so please arrange it by yourself.
Hotels in Vienna
Youth Hostels


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.